Reduce Belly After Delivery - 12 Natural Tips and Precautions

When a woman conceives a baby some hormones naturally increases belly size and store some fat around your tummy so that the baby is cushioned and protected.From the moment baby is born, hormonal changes cause your tummy to decrease in size. It takes about four weeks for your uterus (womb) to contract to its pre-pregnancy size. Sometimes even after delivery, your tummy don't get back to pre-pregnancy size and you start finding some tricks to reduce your tummy size. Natural home remedies and some light exercises is best way to reduce your tummy even at home. While reducing your tummy patience is the key because It took nine months for your tummy muscles to stretch and increase size to accommodate a full-term baby. So it makes sense that it can take the same or longer, to tighten up again.

Natural Tips To Reduce Belly after Delivery

1. Lemon and Honey Water
Start your day by drinking a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach. You can add 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and half teaspoon of honey to improve taste and effect. This home remedy is very effective to burn belly fat fast. For quick results drink this glass of lukewarm water added lemon+honey before every meal.
2. Green Tea
Drinking green tea on a daily basis can also help shrink your waistline and reduce your excessive abdominal fat. Green tea burn fat cells by boosting your metabolism.
3. Apples
Apples contain antioxidants and pectin that helps burn belly fat.Pectin restricts the body's ability to absorb fat into the cells and the antioxidants prevent metabolic disorders which may result in accumulation of excess fat.
4. Breast Feeding
Breast feeding is an other effective way to reduce belly size by contracting uterus and by contracting uterus to normal size. According to recent scientific search upon breast feeding mother, breast feeding can burn up to 500 calories a day.  If you breastfeed, you'll burn extra calories to make milk. You may lose your pregnancy weight more quickly than mums who bottle-feed their babies.Breastfeeding also triggers contractions that help to shrink your uterus, making it a workout for your whole body. However, if you eat more than you burn off, you will put on weight, even if you breastfeed.
5. Don't Skip Meals
Decreasing your calorie intakes is the easiest way to lose tummy fat after pregnancy but lactating mothers needs extra calories for milk production so don’t reduce calorie intakes drastically. Milk supply will reduce if you start dieting soon after giving birth as well as you feel more tired. Instead of dieting or skipping meals you should make a proper diet plan containing all essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

6. Proper and Healthy Diet
Proper and healthy diet plays very important role in reducing your tummy size. Proper diet helps you to get all the vitamins and minerals that are needed by you to feel energized all through the day. Always consume fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Limit your sodium intake as it leads to bloating and swelling of the stomach.

7. Avoid Unhealthy Foods
The manner in which food is cooked plays a very important role too. In order to reduce tummy naturally, fried food, junk food, processed food and foods containing refined flour, white rice and sweets should be strictly avoided. Instead people should opt for fresh salads, sandwiches made in brown bread and food that has been broiled, roasted or grilled.Unhealthy snacks like chips, cookies and other products that are high in salt and fats should be replaced with fresh fruits salads, nuts and seeds.
8. Small Meals
Instead of 3 big meals, divide your meals into 4-5 small meals. After every meal a brisk walk of 15-20 minutes is also very effective in reducing your belly size.
9. Pushchair Workouts
When you feel up to it, take your baby out for walks in his pushchair. Getting out and about will help to lift your mood and exercise your body gently. You may find there are pushchair workouts with other new mums in your local park.

10. Light Exercises
A proper diet plan along with some light exercises works wonderfully in reducing tummy size after delivery. When you exercise your muscles, they take energy from your fat stores to complete the exercise. The more you exercise, the more your muscles take energy from the fat stored.

11. Aerobic Exercise
Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity each day of the week. To begin, perform light physical activity such as cycling, walking or swimming. Gradually increase the intensity of your workout. You can include also aerobic exercises such as jogging, dancing, biking, climbing stairs, and yoga stretches.
12. Stomach or abdominal Crunches
Finally to tone your stomach muscles and to reduce you unwanted belly fat you need to perform some abdominal crunches. Stomach or abdominal crunches can be performed in different ways, as there are several variations to them. You can start with a simple stomach crunch. Leg raise crunch and vacuum crunches help a lot to burn belly fat at home.

Some Precautions and Important Tips
  • (i)Women should avoid using any natural, herbal or even home remedies to reduce tummy after delivery, without consulting a doctor. Women who are nursing their babies should ensure that they do not start the weight loss process to early, or their babies could be deprived of the essential nutrients. Exercising too early or too vigorously could also have an adverse effect on the mother's body. Therefore, it is best to consult a gynecologist for advice on how to reduce tummy naturally, after a delivery.
  • (ii)If you had a complicated delivery, cesarean or C-section, allow your body to heal before jumping into an exercise routine.
  • (iii)If your delivery wasn't complicated, exercising within a few days of your delivery can be done with your physician's approval. If you have a newborn to look after, you'll need plenty of energy. Trying to lose weight too soon after giving birth may delay your recovery and make you feel even more tired. So try to wait until you've had your postnatal check before you lose weight.
  • (iv)For your and your baby's good health, you shouldn't aim to be back to your pre-pregnancy weight until about six months after your baby's birth.
  • (v)Avoid Stress because tress can cause weight gain. When you are chronically stressed, your body produces a large amount of cortisol to combat that stress. High levels of cortisol can cause your body to direct fat stores to your stomach.So too much stress could cause you to have a bigger tummy.
  • (vi)Avoid alcohol, or sugary, fizzy carbonated drinks . Eating the wrong foods can cause you to gain more tummy fat. Sweet and sugary drinks and beer can also cause you to gain more tummy fat.