14 Natural Tips to get Fair Glowing Skin in Summer Season
Summer sun tanning or darkening of skin is quite common as compared to other seasons. Hence you really need to follow a proper skin care routine to protect your skin from summer skin tanning.
However, now you can have soft, smooth and glowing skin even in summer season simply by following some natural tips which are given below:

Natural Tips For Fair Glowing Skin In Summer Season
1. Drink Plenty of Water
First of all try to drink plenty of water because it not only keep your body hydrated but also remove toxins from your body.Water requirement during summer season is increased because a lot of water is lost due to excessive sweating during summer season.So try to drink daily at least 12-14 glasses of water.
2. Banana and Milk
Make a paste of banana and milk and apply on your skin for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with cold water. It will give you soft and glowing skin.
3. Cucumber and Yogurt
For smooth, supple and glowing skin blend a half cucumber and 1 table spoon of yogurt in mixer then apply this of your face and neck. After 15 minutes rinse off with fresh water.
4. Rosewater
For naturally glowing skin in summer season try to daily wash your face with rose water. Its natural cooling properties make it an excellent toner for the hot summer season.
5. Cucumber and Watermelon Juice
Mix cucumber juice and watermelon juice in equal proportions and apply on face and neck.Keep this mixture at least for 20 minutes then rinse off with cold water.
6. Papaya Pulp and Lemon Juice
Make a paste of papaya Pulp and lemon juice and apply on your face for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.It will give you smooth and glowing skin.
7. Papaya, Honey and Egg White
For soft and glowing skin you can also make a home based pack by 2 table spoons of mashed papaya,1 table spoon of honey and 1 egg white. Mix them well and apply on your face and neck.Leave this for 15 minutes then rinse off with cold water and feel the freshness of soft,smooth and glowing skin.
8. Lemon Bleaching
Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and can help remove the tan from your face. Lemon contains ascorbic acid due to which it can easily bleach tanned skin. Simply squeeze a lemon into a dish. Soak a cotton ball into the lemon juice and apply it all over your face and neck. Lemon is also considered best to give you glowing skin.Although Lemon is supposed to be a natural bleach but be aware that it dries the face. That' s why apply a good moisturizer or almond oil after washing off lemon.
9. Coconut Water
Massage of Coconut water on the skin also give you soft, supple and glowing skin. Daily facial massage with coconut water will give you an amazing result within few days.
10. Lemon Juice and Honey
For fair and glowing skin even in summer season massage your skin with mixture of lemon juice and honey because both Honey and Lemon are best natural bleaching agents for sun tanned skin.
11. Almond and Honey
Take 4-5 almonds. Soak them overnight and peel them off in the morning. Grind them to make a fine paste. Now add some honey to make a thick paste. Now apply this on your face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off with lukewarm water. This home remedy not only lighten your skin complexion but also creates a nature glow on your face.
12. Skin Exfoliation
Don't forget to weekly exfoliate your skin with a good scrub.You can also make a good scrub at home by 4 to 5 table spoons of gram flour(besan), a pinch of turmeric(haldi), 5-6 drops of rose water and milk or yogurt. Mix them well to form a paste and use it to exfoliate your face and neck.
13. Natural Moisturizers
For fair glowing skin apply natural moisturizers such as milk cream, yogurt or honey to your skin everyday and keep it for 15-20 minutes and then scrub it off with besan flour.
14. Cold Milk Massage
Every night massage your face with cold milk because it cleanses your skin, removes the dead skin, moisturizes the skin and give you smooth and Fair glowing skin even in summer season.
Some Precautions and Useful Tips
- (i). Always apply a good sunscreen 30 minutes before you step out.
- (ii). Avoid direct exposure to UV Sun rays and make use of hats, sunglasses and full covered dresses.
- (iii). Try to stay indoors between 11am and 3pm because during this time period sun’s rays are the strongest and can have an adverse effect on your skin.
- (iv). Wear loose fitting cotton clothes to release the trapped moisture so that your skin can breathe.